Make Your Money Go Further With Orotol Plus

If you are currently using Orotol we’re recommending you switch to Orotol Plus. Orotol Plus is a concentrate for simultaneous disinfection, deodorisation, cleaning and care of dental suction systems, amalgam separators, and spittoons. We know how important hygiene is in your dental practice, and there’s more benefits to using Orotol Plus.

Save money for your practice by using Orotol Plus - the same volume can create more than double the amount of solution that Orotol can. A 2.5 litre bottle of Orotol can yield 50 litres of solution, whereas Orotol Plus can make 125 litres from a 2.5 litre bottle.

On top of this, 125 litres of Orotol costs £97.50, but 125 litres of Orotol Plus costs only £55. So not only does it go further, but the same amount of solution costs less, giving you a saving of £42.50 per 125 litre.

How Does the Orotol Plus Dental Disinfectant Work?

Orotol Plus from Durr Dental is suitable for use on dental suction systems, amalgam separators and spittoons, and when used, it not only disinfects your equipment, it also deodorises and cleans them. It has a broad spectrum of activity, including bactericidal and yeasticidal, with limited virucidal activity (enveloped viruses including HBV, HCV and HIV, as well as non-enveloped viruses, such as adenoviruses and noroviruses).

It has been tested in accordance with the EN 13727, EN 13624, EN 14476, EN 14561, EN 14562, EN 16615 European safety standards and guarantees reliable protection against infection.

With extraordinary cleaning power it will remove the most stubborn deposits, even from areas that are difficult to access. It is also aldehyde-free; its mechanism of action is based on quaternary ammonium cations.

Daily application of Orotol Plus ensures the technically and hygienically sound operation of dental suction systems, even with high levels of microbial contamination and debris.

Stop losing money and switch to Orotol Plus today.

For more information, speak to your Sales rep or call 01 456 5288.